I feel like I should mention this before anyone really reads this blog (if you do happen to stumble upon this page, I love you), I am not a web developer. Or at least not right now. I spend most of my time working in C or C++, and I have been working on deepening my understanding of fundamental programming/computing abstractions (the answer to any question is abstraction :) ). However, this site serves as a place for me to speak freely on whatever. I have no intention for what I will write about here or how frequently.
I should also mention I did not create this from scratch. I took inspiration from tokisuno. His posts are going to be more interesting than mine, but nice site format.
Nonetheless, I feel that this site will be a nice place for me to speak my mind, and I do not intend to stop posting here. I'm sure breaks will be taken, but I hope for some sense of consistency.